[techland_spacer spacer=”10″][techland_hero2 bgimg=”6804″ shape2=”6821″ loop=”%5B%7B%22icontype%22%3A%22font%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fas%20fa-angle-double-down%22%7D%5D” shape1=”531″ subheading=”TMS Digital” heading=”Dispatch Features” desc=”In addition to being able to create, dispatch and track your loads, trucks and drivers, TMS Digital Dispatch has many more features! As well as our customized screens, buttons and reports/forms, you also get:” sh_clr=”#0a0a0a” h_clr=”#0a0a0a” desc_clr=”#0a0a0a” desc_pr=”20″ h_pr=”20″]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Dispatch Interface Options”]There are several interface options available with TMS Digital Dispatch. We offer interfaces with some of the more popular Mileage programs, to automatically calculate loaded and empty miles. We also interface with several different accounting packages that have the ability to import postings. That is not all! In addition to our EDI module that imports 204 loads, we also can import loads from CSV files or Excel spreadsheets. We have APIs to send load information to your truck’s computer or driver’s phone. You can also import truck locations from your ELD. Ask about our interface with OmniTracs and Samsara![/techland_section_hading]
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[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Image and Get Image Buttons”]We like big buttons and we cannot lie and the IMAGE buttons are a favorite among our customers! Scan and save your important paperwork with the load, truck or driver associated with it! Just click the ADD IMAGE button! This button allows you to easily select your image/document from the scan folder. The system will automatically name the image/document with the correct naming protocol and place it in your designated IMAGE folder. How is that for a time saver! Anytime you want to see an image tied to a load or a driver, just click the “GET IMAGE” and all images that relate will appear. No more searching and digging around! In addition, you have the option for larger buttons! Fat buttons rule and make the trucking world go round![/techland_section_hading]
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[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Customize your Buttons”]You can customize which buttons you want to display on each user or group of user’s dispatch screen. Call TMS Support today for more information: (618) 248-2830[/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Quick Call-Ins”]Do a “quick call-in” right from the load screen. Call TMS Support today for more information: (618) 248-2830[/techland_section_hading]
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[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Enhanced Pre-Dispatch Tracking”]Now it is easier than ever to track what loads you have pre-dispatched to your driver, truck or carrier! Loads, drivers, owner-operators and carrier screens will display an indicator to alert you that they have been pre-dispatched. Pop-ups will alert you when loading a driver, to remind you that your driver is pre-dispatched to a different load. Upon delivering a load, the next load your driver is pre-dispatched to, will automatically be highlighted, ready for dispatching. You can pre-dispatch as many loads ahead on a driver, owner-op or carrier as you want.[/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Trailer Dimensions”]When size matters, for example oversize loads, you have the option of entering trailer dimensions in the load![/techland_section_hading]
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[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”TWIC”]Dispatch has TWIC date field in Driver Maintenance. The Dispatch system will check if a Transportation Worker Identification Card is required and check the Driver’s TWIC expiration date to see if it expires before the delivery Date. You can also define RFID fields.[/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”LABELS, LABELS, LABELS!”]You can print labels from both our Dispatch and Maintenance programs![/techland_section_hading]
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[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”TMS HELP Direct Link”]If you have received a Dispatch update recently, you might have noticed a new menu choice called TMS Help. This menu includes items such as a direct link to our website and our TMS help pages and a direct link to email the Support team. We are all about saving you time![/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”SECURITY!”]We know security is as important to you as it is to us. Our Protected Desktop keeps you safe from Ransomware and viruses, along with secure backups of your data. However, we also have protection built right into the program. You can restrict users from access to many options, menus and buttons. You can hide personal information, for example, a driver’s Social Security number. You can restrict whole groups of users or a specific user.[/techland_section_hading]
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[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”ORDER ENTRY!”]You can take orders before they become loads! This helpful tool makes it easy to efficiently LTL loads together. Call today for a quote for this add-on feature: (618) 248-2830)[/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Weather Tracking Button”]See what the weather will be where your truck is picking up or delivering to.[/techland_section_hading]
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[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Google or MapQuest Mapping”]Display a quick route map for the load’s pick and drop locations using our MAP button.[/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Accidents and Incidents”]In addition to our in-depth accident section, we also have an incidents section so all-important information is always at your fingertips for improved risk management.[/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Air Filter Tracking”]You can now track the days/miles until the next air filter replacement is due.[/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Google Miles in Dispatch”]Dispatch now interfaces with Google Miles. This is a much more affordable option if you do not want to pay for high priced mileager interfaces! You can also map your routes using Google Maps or MapQuest with just a push of a button![/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”Report Filters”]TMS Dispatch Reports include many handy date filters for the TRUCK List and the TRAILER List. Your team can keep track of important expiration dates and more! An add on feature to many reports will be a new SAVE AS to export the report to a CSV or text file that can be opened easily into a spreadsheet.[/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”PMs”]Bonus feature if you also have our Maintenance Module, you can view the Pending PM’s on your tractors and trailers in the Dispatch browsers. Please contact the TMS support team to set up that feature![/techland_section_hading]
[techland_spacer spacer=”6″][techland_section_hading title=”PERFORMANCE REPORTS”]Our Performance Reports section allows you to keep easily track any time management issues for your fleet. Use the Detention report, On-time report and more. Be quickly alerted to potential problems.[/techland_section_hading]
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